Frequently asked questions.

How can I watch the full movie?

If you’re interested in a private or group screening please contact Barak via email or phone! -, 808 446 4000

Where can I learn more about orphanage voluntourism?

View our links on our resources page where we provide, pdfs, interviews and more.

Can I become a sponsor of this film/donate?

We are not currently looking for sponsors or donors, however we are looking for partners to spread awareness and lead to legislative change. This includes private showings and lobbying your government representatives to pass laws and resolutions to protect children abroad.

Is this only happening in Nepal? Why not other countries?

Orphanage tourism and domestically funded child trafficking is a huge problem worldwide, the documentary focuses on Nepal because that is where the filmmakers first learned of it and had the resources to begin filming.

How many orphans/children in orphanages are there?

It is currently estimated that between 5,000,000-8,000,000 children are living in Orphanages or Residential care. Between 65-80% of these children have at least one living parent and could return home with the right resources.