
  • Who

    The Documentary Volunteers Needed focuses on Voluntourism in South Asia. It includes interviews and the experiences of: volunteers, orphans, NGO’s and experts in the field.

  • What

    Voluntourism is a three billion dollar industry where Volunteers pay money in order to do charity work abroad. Although Voluntourism exists in many fields such as animal rehabilitation, hospital construction, etc we focus exclusively on volunteerism in children’s homes.

  • When

    The documentary was filmed over an eight month period in 2015. The issue of children’s home volunteering has been present in Nepal since the early two thousands and is still present today.

  • Where

    The documentary is focused on Nepal, however children home and orphanage voluntourism is a world wide problem. We do not want to give the impression Nepal is worse than other countries. We focused on Nepal because of the filmmakers attachment to the beauty and quality of the land people and culture.

  • Why

    Voluntourism is big business. When volunteers or tourists are willing to pay thousands of dollars for anything, a market will spring up for it. In this case what happens is a rise in orphanages and children’s homes when they are not only not needed, but do more harm than good.

  • How

    Can you help? Watch and share the film, bring up the dangers of voluntourism with friends and family, if you know people who contribute to funding for these kinds of homes make sure they are vetted, audited and following the best practices.